Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Mimi Billing

Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Mimi Billing

In this episode of "Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy", Jim Joyce and got to spend some awesome time with Mimi Billing a management consultant turned journalist at Sifted. We chat about:

🚀 the "old machinery" of Europe

🚀 scaling #digitalhealth #startups in EU

🚀 startup honeymoons and how long they last?

🚀 oh and should startups PR or not PR..

Fun mentions as always: Kry Babylon Health Johannes Schildt Christina Farr John Thornhill Caspar Woolley Tyler Crowley

Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Host Eugene Borukhovich explores how non-molecular therapies and interventions can prevent, manage or even cure diseases. Learn about the rapidly evolving field of Digital Therapeutics, its history, the evolving regulatory and reimbursement frameworks, and the trailblazers creating and advancing this industry.