Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Inauguration Edition 🎉

Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Inauguration Edition 🎉

In this #inauguration edition 🎉🎉 of #TheShot of #digitalhealth therapy, Jim Joyce and I had our SHORTEST episode with the MOST people and BRAINPOWER all in one including Martin Kelly, Francesca Wuttke and Robert Garber. It was a hot mess, we were all over the map, I exposed my #Clubhouse addiction, but we made it through the 5 predictions that HealthXL team put together... sort of..:

🎉 Health @ Home is the future

🎉 New end-to-end care models, bridging virtual/physical care

🎉 Precision health - Digital Biomarkers as part of Clinical Trials 🎉 Pharmacies will position as community hubs for digital

🎉 Prescription DTx will expand formularies and reimbursement

Fun mentions as always: Lisa Suennen, Scott Shreeve, MD, Crossover Health, One Medical, Matthew Holt, Vishal Gulati,

Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Host Eugene Borukhovich explores how non-molecular therapies and interventions can prevent, manage or even cure diseases. Learn about the rapidly evolving field of Digital Therapeutics, its history, the evolving regulatory and reimbursement frameworks, and the trailblazers creating and advancing this industry.