Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Ann Mond Johnson, ATA

Shot of #DigitalHealth Therapy - Ann Mond Johnson, ATA

On this Wednesday's #TheShot of #DigitalHealth therapy, Jim Joyce and I had the pleasure of spending time with the one and only Ann Mond Johnson, CEO of the American Telemedicine Association.. So many topics, so little time:

🖥 US Healthcare patterns

🖥 Data Fantasy 😂 - (my new favorite term)

🖥 The myths of Telehealth

🖥 Telehealth policy

🖥 oh... and ATA conference Mar 4-6 (https://gotelehealth.org/ata-2023/)

Fun mentions as always : Lee Shapiro Jane Sarasohn-Kahn Joseph Kvedar Kyle Zebley Sreekanth Chaguturu Robert Wachter Bart Demaerschalk MD

Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Host Eugene Borukhovich explores how non-molecular therapies and interventions can prevent, manage or even cure diseases. Learn about the rapidly evolving field of Digital Therapeutics, its history, the evolving regulatory and reimbursement frameworks, and the trailblazers creating and advancing this industry.