Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Ep15: Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Disorders with Happify

Ep15: Treating Depression, Anxiety, and Sleep Disorders with Happify

Chris Wasden came to the digital therapeutics space via a circuitous route through Wall Street, Main Street, and academia. A pro at finding ways to leverage digital solutions in the pharmaceutical industry, he was asked to lead HappifyDTx’s digital therapeutics business after he and his students identified it as the best digital health company in the world. Happify just closed an impressive $73 million funding round and continues to innovate clinically validated tools to treat depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

In this episode, Chris tells Eugene how Happify’s founders moved from creating video games to digital health tools, and why the team took on the mammoth effort of creating an FDA-quality management system for its platform of products. As a result of their hard work, Chris says Happify is the only DTx company out there that has a legitimate, placebo-controlled RCT.

>>Click here to read the transcript

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Hard Pill To Swallow
DTx Podcast with Eugene Borukhovich
Host Eugene Borukhovich explores how non-molecular therapies and interventions can prevent, manage or even cure diseases. Learn about the rapidly evolving field of Digital Therapeutics, its history, the evolving regulatory and reimbursement frameworks, and the trailblazers creating and advancing this industry.